
These areas occur throughout the entire United States where fire is rare and the forest product industry is strong. These areas have a higher demographic advantage and they are located closer to urban centers. With the urban nature of these counties, local fuel treatments by private landowners is important as well as the reduction of ignitions.

Example of a Typical County — Franklin County, Ohio: This central Ohio county is dominated by the socio-economically advantaged city of Columbus.

National Priorities

Vegetation and Fuels Very Low
Homes, Communities and Values at Risk Moderate
Human-Caused Ignitions High
Effective and Efficient Response:
There is low risk of large wildfires.

Policy Options and Opportunities

Vegetation and Fuels
These counties have a history of prescribed fire and could expand or maintain use of this fuel management option. Many of these counties also have nearby forest products industries, so they may consider using mechanical treatments to create a buffer between the forest and the communities before using prescribed fire.

Homes, Communities and Values at Risk
Individual homeowners can be proactive on home defensive actions. Communities can plan and take coordinated action, in combination with individual actions by property owners. This can include the creation of buffers and strategic fuel breaks. These counties could adjust building and construction codes in municipal areas.

Human-Caused Ignitions
Human caused ignitions are a problem in these counties. Reduce accidental and human-caused ignitions through enforcement or outreach.

Effective and Efficient Wildfire Response
Protect structures and target prevention of ignitions.

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