
These rangelands counties are in New Mexico and South Dakota. They do not experience many ignitions but once a fire starts it can burn large areas. This is a very high demographic stressed area. The response capacity to fire can be an issue due to the high stress and roadless areas. This group includes a large amount of tribal lands, so traditional ecological knowledge could be applied.

Example of a Typical County — Torrance County, New Mexico: Separated from Albuquerque by the Manzano Mountains and the Cibola National Forest, this county has had large fires, but it has few residents.

National Priorities

Vegetation and Fuels High
Homes, Communities and Values at Risk High
Human-Caused Ignitions Very Low
Effective and Efficient Response:
There is high risk of large wildfires, more potential for resource benefits.

Policy Options and Opportunities

Vegetation and Fuels
These are largely non-forested counties where regular use of mowing or grazing may be useful for reducing fuels.

Homes, Communities and Values at Risk
Individual homeowners can be proactive on home defensive actions.

Human-Caused Ignitions
Human caused ignitions are not as great here as in other parts of the country, but may deserve attention if a local situation dictates.

Effective and Efficient Wildfire Response
Prepare for large, long duration wildfires.

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