
Very few counties fall within this group. They are mostly within the western part of the United States, with one county in Florida. These areas are characterized by high demographic stress and higher ignitions, within Fire Regime Group V. The areas are mostly suburban landscapes, where fires typically start in the Wildland Urban Interface.

Example of a Typical County — Linn County, Oregon: This Douglas-fir forested county lies on the west side of the Cascades and is transected by US 20 that runs between Bend and Corvallis.

National Priorities

Vegetation and Fuels Moderate
Homes, Communities and Values at Risk High
Human-Caused Ignitions Low
Effective and Efficient Response:
There is high risk of large wildfires, less potential for resource benefits.

Policy Options and Opportunities

Vegetation and Fuels
Local discretion should be used to determine the importance of fuel treatment, which treatment is applicable and what is affordable based on the use of local resources.

Homes, Communities and Values at Risk
Local discretion should be used to determine the importance of home and community actions.

Human-Caused Ignitions
Human caused ignitions are a problem in these counties. Reduce accidental human-caused ignitions through the enforcement of burning bans or greater education. Reduce human-caused incendiary ignitions by focusing on enforcement programs.

Effective and Efficient Wildfire Response
Prepare for infrequent large, long duration wildfires.

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