
These south-central counties have a dense, but scattered human population and high area burned. Evidence suggests that there is a history of prescribed fire use here in forests or rangelands, often, but not necessarily confined to, public lands.

Example of a Typical County — Marshall County, Oklahoma: This rural county includes Lake Texoma that is managed by the Army Corps of Engineers.

National Priorities

Vegetation and Fuels High
Homes, Communities and Values at Risk High
Human-Caused Ignitions Moderate
Effective and Efficient Response:
There is low risk of large wildfires.

Policy Options and Opportunities

Vegetation and Fuels
These counties have a history of using prescribed fire and could expand or maintain use of this fuel management option. There may be an active forest products industry nearby, which could support fuel treatments. There are non-fire treatment opportunities in these counties, which may be limited by economic markets.

Homes, Communities and Values at Risk
Communities can plan and take coordinated action, in combination with individual actions by property owners. This can include the creation of buffers and strategic fuel breaks.

Human-Caused Ignitions
Human caused ignitions are a problem in these counties. Reduce accidental human-caused ignitions through the enforcement of burning bans or greater education of the danger of attended fires. Reduce human-caused incendiary ignitions by focusing on enforcement programs.

Effective and Efficient Wildfire Response
Response organizations continue to protect structures, treat fuels and target ignitions as local conditions apply.

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