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64 Results
209 Structures Lost (Number)

Cumulative structures lost 2002-2011 reported in 209 reports.

209 Structures Lost (Rate)

Structures Lost per 1,000 Acres burned, based on 209 data and State and Fed incidents

Accidental Area Burned

Mean annual area burned from unknown and accidental causes, normalized by area.

Accidental Fire Incidents

Mean annual number of incidents from unknown and accidental causes, normalized by area

Annual Average Reported Federal Incidents

Annual average of reported federal incidents (per 100 sq mi).

Annual Average Reported NFIRS Incidents

Annual average of reported NFIRS incidents (per 100 sq mi).

Annual Average Reported State Incidents

Annual average of reported state incidents (per 100 sq mi).

Area Burned by Natural Ignitions

Area burned by fires started by natural causes, normalized by county area.

Area Forested

Percent of county area with forested landcover.

This variable was used as an input to the Landscape Classes.

Community Clusters

Community cluster based on eight clusters.

Estimated Prescribed Fire Activity

Estimated area burned in Rx fire, 2008-2011, based on hotspots and total area burned. Normalized by area. Units are log10[ac] per 100 sq mi.

Federal 95th Percentile Fire Size

Federal 95th percentile fire size.
