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112 Results
NFIRS 95th Percentile Fire Size

NFIRS 95th percentile fire size (reported in acres).

NFIRS 99th Percentile Fire Size

NFIRS 99th percentile fire size (reported in acres).

NFIRS Annual Average Area Burned

NFIRS Annual average of area burned per hundred square miles.

NFIRS Buildings Involved

NFIRS Number of buildings involved.

NFIRS Buildings Involved (Rate)

Number of buildings involved per 1000 acres, area burned as reported in NFIRS.

NFIRS Fires of Concern (FOC) Area

NFIRS fires of concern due to size (100 ac or larger).

NFIRS Fires of Concern (FOC) Arrival

NFIRS fires of concern due to arrival time (longer than 30 min).

NFIRS Median Arrival Time

NFIRS median arrival time.

NFIRS Median Containment Time

NFIRS median containment time.

NFIRS Median Fire Size

NFIRS median fire size (reported in acres).

NFP Fuel Treatments

Cumulative area treated by federal agencies, relative to county area.

NFPORS Acres Treated

Sum of acres treated by the federal agencies and bureaus
