Input Variable Maps

112 Results
Federal Ownership

Percentage of county area in Federal ownership.

Fire Stations

Number of fire stations per 100 sq. miles.

Firefighter Injuries Reported (Total Number)

Total number of firefighter injuries reported.

Forest Industry Jobs

Forest industry jobs (% of total county employment)

Forest Industry Jobs

Forest industry jobs (% of total county employment)

Forest Mechanical Treatment Potential

Sum of area available for mechanical treatment in forest.

Forest Prescribed Fire Potential

Percent area available for prescribed fire in forested landscapes.

Forest Product Production

Index of forest product production.

Hotspot Density in Mixed Natural Areas

Hotspot density in mixed-natural areas.

Hotspot Density in Natural Areas

Hotspot density in natural areas.

Hotspots Within Wildfire Perimeter

Count of hotspots within a wildfire perimeter.

Housing Density Within Interface 2000

Housing density within interface 2000.
